Brackenwood Lodge is an adaptation and re-use of an abandoned Atcost Hay Barn, into an environmentally conscious home in the settlement of Lippitts Hill on the edge of Epping Forest in Essex.
The site was formerly used as part of a working farm, specifically used to grow crops such as corn and hay as well as for grazing cattle. For the 20 past years, the site has been left to overgrow with a dense amount of self-seeded young trees dominating the site. The growth of the young trees have since stagnated due to competition for space, light, water and nutrients, resulting in inefficiencies in capturing carbon.
The overarching objective behind this development was as a wildlife and woodland conservation project seeking to conserve the land and enhance the existing biodiversity and ecosystem of the site.
The conversion of the Atcost Barn structure highlights what can be achieved under Permitted development Class Q. The existing structure originally comprised of an open concrete structural frame with crinkly tin roof above. Permission was granted for its conversion into a dwelling in 2022 with completion the following Summer.