Site footprint: 10,150 sqft
Existing building GIA: 7,000 sqft
Consented GIA: 37,500 sqft
Number of units: 23 (ranging from 1 - 3 beds)
This development is for a new 23 unit residential scheme in Enfield that replaces an existing 1930’s Public House. Despite the site containing an Asset of Community Value we were able to obtain planning for the pub’s demolition and in its place provide a proposal that utilises 85% of the site footprint with a 4-5 storey building whilst still achieving the required external cycle, parking and ammenity requirements. E(b) Pub Use was retained at ground floor.
Our planning strategy included a two-part Pre-application process that commenced with a building mass that marginally exceeded what we believed to be appropriate for the site. From this point we were able to reduce the mass in small increments to ensure the final approved mass provided the client with the maximum development possible.