Site footprint: 6,335 sqft
Existing building GIA: 17,657 sqft
Consented GIA: 35,020 sqft
This site sits in close proximity to the Grade I listed St Michael’s Church in Shoreditch, visible on a key thoroughfare from Liverpool Street. Surrounded by numerous traditional office block developments, we were instructed by our client to design a B1 Office building sympathetic to the neighbouring buildings and most importantly the neighbouring church. In fulfillment of the brief our initial Pre-app submission, traditional in design and lining through with the adjoining four storey office block, was deemed not to be sufficiently subservient and the planners requested it to be reduced by at least one floor. This reduced mass rendered the development financially unviable for the client.
However, following this Pre-app we developed a new strategy for the building which, rather than seeking to blend in with the surrounding buildings sought to confidently stand out as a landmark building on the thoroughfare and positively relate to the church. The form and massing of the building is perceived through a series of shifting volumes whereby each volume addresses a complex set of predetermined requirements and site constraints and framing key views of the church.
Not only was this approach accepted by the planners it also justified the building being significantly taller than the neighbouring buildings. Planning approval was subsequently granted, securing for the client a scheme which exceeded their initial objective by 7,000 sqft.